Almost 3 decades later, one of the hottest games in 1997 is finally playable thru a browser. And yes, we’re talking about Diablo I. The very first game of the very popular series. Thanks to the GitHub source project called Diabloweb, you may now play the game in your browser and whatever device that you have But of course, there’s a catch.

First, you need to have the Diablo 1 .mpq files which can be found on your Diablo 1 install directory so yeah, you really need to buy the game or owned it. But in case you don’t want to get the game, you can play it using Shareware. However, the shareware won’t have any dialogues with the NPC and it lacks content.
So, how can you play Diablo 1 on any browser? Here’s the instructions.
- Visit Diabloweb: Go to Diabloweb in your web browser.
- Option 1: Upload the MPQ Files: If you own Diablo 1, upload the MPQ files from your game. If not, you can buy the game from and extract the files.
- Option 2: Play the Shareware Version: If you don’t have the full game, click on the “Play Shareware” button to play a limited version.
- Access the save anytime: As long as you’re using the same browser, you can access your save file
- You can finally enjoy playing Diablo 1 on your PC, tablet, or mobile via browser