
GTA IV: TBOGT New details

GTA Gaming has post another information of the upcoming DLC of GRAND THEFT AUTO IV which is “The ballad of Gay Tony”

The episode will contain about 20 missions, just as The Lost and Damned did

The HUD is again modified to fit the feel of the game–“Parma Violet-style pink/purple”

Missions are scored out of 100%, dependent on your performance. All missions can be re-played at any time to improve your scrore.

3 nightclubs are accessible–Bahama Mamas, Hercules and Maisonette 9

The golf course behind Algonquin’s Memory Lanes bowling alley is now open, where a new golfing minigame is available to play.

New websites have been added to the in-game internet

New vehicle: “Super Drop Diamond”–based on a Bentley Continental convertible

New random character mission takes Luis on a race to disarm a car bomb, armed by one of his “mental ex-girlfriends”

Four new missions previewed: “Dropping In…” , “For The Man Who Has Everything” , “Going Deep” and “Sexy Time”.

Via GTA Gaming

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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