
Crazy Kart Bot, Hacks, Cheats and more

Recently, many people are asking me, If I have any hacks, bots or cheats for crazy kart like the speed hack, Roulette and the money hack Since many people told them that there are hacks, bots & cheats at Crazy Kart. Well I research and read some blogs regarding Crazy Kart Bot Hacks or Cheats…… Story After the Jump

I research and found some post that the bots and hacks in Crazy Kart is True BUT!, If you use it, the cheat will be useless since the hacks are only client side and not server side. That means the cheats,hacks or bots will be useless on Crazy Kart.

Example: You used a speed hack, Even your the first one to finish the race because of speed hack. And in the game, you will see that your first. The server will not honor you the first.


1. Orange Twister & Banana – Those thing are very useful especially when you put that in a curve path. Watch what will happen when they drift and then hit the orange twister.

2. Know how to drift – Practice makes perfect hehe. Know how to drift especially in demon tech and in tribal zone. Because if you don’t know how to drift

3. Avoid Muds & Water – Why step on a mud or water if your speed will slow.

4. Fast Leveling – For fast leveling buy a 2x exp Card

5. Star Shield – Be sure that your star shield won’t go to a waste because this is very useful especially when you are at the first place. Because the UFO always attack the first placer

6. Be friendly to others – Because if you are not friendly…. You always get kick in a room XD

7. Gamepad – I suggest that you buy a gamepad because when your hands ache. It can affect your gameplay XD. And it is not to pricey at cd-r king 🙂


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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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