
Facebook gets an overhaul News Feed: Cleaner look and Uniform UX

We all complain how Facebook is getting too much clutter now and today, Facebook announced that they’ll be bringing a redesign News feed soon. So what’s in it for us? Well, the redesign News feed will be cleaner and it will have the same UX (User Experience) on the mobile. Facebook aims to have a less-clutter environment and they want to optimized the content such as videos and pictures on the page.

The new design features the same feel on the Facebook for iPad, iPhone and Android phones. As you can see in the picture, it features the left-hand menu that we can see on the Facebook for mobile. Facebook also want to make sure that you can check out the latest happenings and stories from your Facebook friends that’s why they introduce several news feeds in addition to that what we have right now.

Facebook added the following in addition to the News Feed that we have today:

  • All Friends
  • Photos
  • Music
  • Following

Here’s a video on what to expect on the overhauled news feed of Facebook

The new design will be coming in a few weeks on the web and on your Android and iOS devices. But if you want to get the first dibs on the redesign news feed then add yourself to the waiting list here – I’m still don’t have that Graph Search. Geez.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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