
Here are some dating ideas that you can do today with XTREME

Today is the day in where a lot of you will probably spend your time with your significant other and since we are still in a pandemic, it’s better that you spend your time as a couple at home and if you’re worried that you’ll get bored at home, well, here are some ideas from XTREME in what you can do today.

Do a cook off

You can do a cook off with your SO at XTREME Home Gas Range Pro in where you can bake, cook, and even roast. You can impress them with your cooking skills with this appliance. But of course, it’s best partnered with the XTREME Home Rangehood so you can have a better circulation at home.

Movie night

You can spend a movie night with your someone with the XTREME S Series Smart TV. It comes with a large panel and it’s perfect for watching movies on Netflix thanks to its 4K Ultra High Definition resolution. You can also soup up your date night with the XTREME Home Induction Cooker in where you can fry, deep fry, braise, Soup, Porridge and hotpot.

Have a chill date night

You can have a chilly date night, literally with their 1.8cu ft. XTREME Home Single Door Refrigerator and you can chill your drinks that you just made on the XTREME Home Blender. After that, you can use devices like the XTREME Home Dishwasher to clean up the dishes.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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