
Jam online toolbar

Yesterday, I created a toolbar for JAM online. It was easy to make and it is free. You can see the latest post via RSS in the news ticker.

More after the jump

Unlike any other toolbar, this toolbar isn’t that annoying. I remove some annoying objects there like the pop up blocker and other stupid things. I just put the “the box” and the news ticker (The news ticker is a bit annoying, The news ticker is the only thing available, so I have no choice). The box functions like a blog too, I put a message and you comment.

Too bad I can’t remove the Search toolbar. I want to remove it since most browsers now are already equipped with a search engine toolbar. And I also put a logo since this toolbar belongs to me. lol. Anyway, I encourage you to download this toolbar at this link. This thing is available for PC/Mac/Linux. This is only compatible for Firefox 1.01 & up & Internet Explorer 5.

I already tested this on Internet Explorer 5. I tested this on firefox 3 (forgot the exact version) and I wonder why this thing doesn’t work.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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