

If you a digital shopper, it is possible that your PlayStation 4 is nearing the limits of its hard drive’s storage capacity. One of the many choices you have is to upgrade the internal storage or go for SEAGATE’s officially licenced  PlayStation Game Drive. This is a 2 Terabyte hard drive that would be plugged into the USB port like any other drive and would allow transfers of up to 50 games considering games are an average size of 40GB per game.

The model that Seagate had sent in comes in a black enclosure and connects over a USB 3.0 with the PlayStation 4 Logo on it. It is readily available at GameOne for ₱4,795.00. 

The drive itself works like any other standard portable drive from Seagate with an activity LED and subtle Seagate logo on the bottom right.

The Seagate Game Drive is also available in a 4-Terabyte Capacity for ₱7,450.00 at Game One. 

As of this posting,you are able to acquire a Dobe Charging Dock for Dual Shock PS4 Controller or a Dobe COoling Fan for PS4 Slim for every purchase of Game Drive for PS4 from September 15th to September 30th.

Image may contain: phone, text that says 'PLAY MORE. GET Get these free items for. every purchase of Seagate Game Drive for PS4 Promo period 15th-30th September, 2020 GAME DRIVE for PS4" FREE Dobe Charging Dock for Dual Shock PS4 Controller FREE Dobe Cooling an for PS4 Slim INNIE lptbulglu 2TB Officially fficiallyeor Licensed PS4™ Systems 4TB Game Drive for PS4T™ SeagatePH www. Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB- Series 2020 SEAGATE GAMING'


The Seagate PlayStation Game Drive is a solution for storage problems on your PlayStation. This would also be a great option for those that have opted to go for the Digital Version of the upcoming PlayStation 5 giving you a portable game library. It performed as expected of a 5400rpm hard drive and considering games don’t do a lot of sequential reading when loading, making it a 7200 drive would be too much.

Where to buy:

Data Blitz


GameOne Tech




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