
Nightclub City Cheats, Hacks & strategy

I got addicted to this Facebook game a few weeks ago and I will give you a strategy on how to earn a lot of Money or EXP fast. If you haven’t played this game yet, you must give it a try and see how cool this game is

Nightclub City Strategy & Tips

1. If you want fast money then visit your friends’ club and refill their stock until you’re out of it. Every refill gives you $2000. Guesting on their club can also give you $2000 but it takes 2 minutes to finish a song.

2. Always use bar trick whenever you’re online. Bar trick can give you a lot tips.

3. More popularity more guest.

4. Put a space for your guest. Be sure to put your bouncers on those large spaces because fights and the party animal vomiting are always there.
5. More bar more money. Buy also a lot of Bar storage so that you can have +200 in your bar supplies.
6. Be sure to refresh your set.

Nightclub City Cheats & Hacks

There are already cheats and hacks in Nightclub City using Cheat engine and firefox. Well, I don’t recommend using hacks and cheats in the game because it can ruin the game. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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