
Ready for Nokia World 2011?

First of all, I want to say that I’m not a Nokia fanboy and this post is not sponsored by Nokia or any fanboy who wants to promote Nokia. Anyway, Nokia World 2011 is set at London a week from now. Microsoft-Nokia and Microsoft are expected to unveil their newest Windows phones in Mango. Oh not the fruit. So are you ready for the Nokia World 2011?
So what are my thoughts?:
  1. A Nokia Windows phone in Mango that looks like the Nokia N9. It will be called the Nokia 800.
  2. More than one Windows phone will be unveiled tomorrow
  3. I predict that there will be a cheap, midrange and a high end Windows phone that will be release next week.
  4. if Nokia Windows phone will fail. Then we can say goodbye to Nokia and Windows phone and hello Microsoft Nokia division
  5. Nokia are innovators but no one praise at their creations and achievements
  6. Nokia Windows Phone will be one of the best mobile camera in the mobile industry
  7. Windows Phone will increase its share because of Nokia
yeah yeah yeah. I love Nokia but I hate Symbian. I hope that Windows Phone can revive the glory that Nokia has a few years ago.

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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