
THIS IS MY suggestion: Blackberry can still make it

The all-new Blackberry devices

Lately I’ve been curious about the Blackberry devices here in the Philippines. Contrary to what the US based blogs says about the Blackberry, the Blackberry OS devices here in the Philippines is still rising according to Interaksyon. Blackberry rose 66% which is even more than the iOS’ 62% but both was overshadowed by Android which rose by 300%. I wasn’t surprised by these numbers because of the networks’ very affordable rates for Blackberry services like the recently launched unlimited BBM for a day. Both Smart and Globe offer this promo and it’ll just cost you P15 a day with additional freebies. I think that’s quite a steal already. Why? for example in Globe, you’ll get a 100 text globe-to-globe in Sulitxt for P15. But for P15 in Globe’s BB rates, you’ll get 100 text globe-to-globe and an unlimited BBM for a day.

You’re doing it right Blackberry Philippines
Like what I’ve said earlier, the networks here in the Philippines are offering an affordable rates for Blackberry users. Blackberry social for a month costs P300 only. For P300 you can enjoy unlimited Facebook, BBM and twitter. And again, that’s quite affordable. I asked my friends about what they want with Blackberry. Almost all of them have the same answer. The thing that they want from the Blackberry devices is the Blackberry Services and its affordable rates. And I asked them again if they want to choose Android or iOS over Blackberry. I was hoping that they would answer “Yes I want to switch to Android”  but most of them answered that they still prefer Blackberry because of BBM. I believe that they still want their Blackberry devices because of its services and rates. FYI, those people that I asked are college students here in Manila.
This is my <Suggestion>
Blackberry creates devices with great hardware but their OS is dying slowly but because of their services and rates, they still manage to get more and more users. Blackberry has just a mere numbers of users here in the Philippines compared to Nokia and Samsung but it could increase if they’ll offer more affordable devices. The cheapest they got is the Blackberry 8520 which cost around P8000 and up at different online stores.
Blackberry should also improve their app world too. Their app repository is way behind iOS and Android market. Oh and the newer OS, The Windows Phone has more apps than Blackberry. Another thing that crippled Blackberry is the Playbook. Its features were useless when it was launched. Most of the essential apps that a tablet need is missing in the Playbook. I’m glad that they include those apps on the Playbook 2.0. But still, they don’t have the Blackberry Messenger on the Playbook which is quite disappointing.
My last suggestion is for Blackberry Philippines. They should attract more students to Blackberry devices. Yes, students. Why? because if there are a lot students who choose Blackberry and use their services most of the time, it may lead to the so-called BBM Virus. These people will be forced to buy and switch to Blackberry because of BBM. In BBM, we can communicate easier to a group, we can send pictures and notes easier and a lot more. Oh and teenagers love to communicate with each other and yes, this BBM virus has recently spread in our section. Maybe Blackberry Philippines can get some local ambassadors in universities (Ehem, ehem. I study in UST. Haha just kidding.). Let them promote the unique features of Blackberry. Maybe if they can, Blackberry should offer discounts to students.
Some of you might think that my suggestions are dumb but seriously, the BBM virus really work. I don’t know who spread this in our class but I assure you that it wasn’t me.
P.S. The author of this blog is planning to save up for a Blackberry device which will be his back-up phone. He loves his Windows Phone so much and he’ll just use Blackberry because of its services like BBM.
This is my <any word here>: is a section of JAM Online in where the owner of this blog talks about  his <any word here>

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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