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Windows 7 Build 7004 download

Windows 7, which is the successor of windows vista is still on beta. And if you search google you can find many links and you can download. but some of them are fake and you should be very careful about that.

More after the jump

Windows 7 is currentl on Build 7004 and it is still on beta stage but you can find many leaked windows 7 on the internet. I found one windows 7 build 6956 (the build which was use during WINHec at beijing) But I am still not sure about it. Some people said that they are experiencing BSOD or blue screen of death in windows 7 most of the time but some people said that they did not still experiencing that.

In the benchmarks.
Windows 7 were able to beat Windows Vista SP1, Windows XP SP3, & Windows Vista. And the build that was use was Windows 7 Build 6956. And I think they can still improve the perfomance of windows 7 in the upcoming months. I hope that I wouldn’t be disappointed when windows 7 comes.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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