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Grand Chase to start the rumble!

Level up just release Crazy kart a few months ago then they will release another game, Grand Chase. If you notice the FTP site of Level up games! And many people downloaded it. Some people think that Grand Chase had already started, so many people are complaining, why is the client not working .Level up had already announced the start of the Grand Chase in the Philippines. More details after the jump

Grand Chase philippines is expected to be released on October 14 2008 At 12:01 am and the close beta will end on october 27 2008. Unlike Crazy Kart, It took almost 1 month in CBT and almost 1 month again for OBT. If you don’t know what grand chase is, This game is like Rakion in 2d style. Even though the graphics is only 2D, It is still fun playing it. You can also have PvP with other players. Anyway if you haven’t seen a screenshot of Grand chase you can just search it at google and you will find many.

If you haven’t register yet. Then register at the grand chase site

If you don’t know where to download Grand chase here is a direct link. The Installer is not so big because its only 526 mb. It will not take you weeks to download it. There is also a torrent file.

Anyway see you at the CBT guys 🙂

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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